Steering Committee

Steering Committee of 3rd International Conference On Social Science Education

Person in Charges

Prof. Dr. Sunarno Basuki, Drs., M.Kes. AIFO.

Prof. Dr. Atiek Winarti, M.Sc., M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. Imam Yuwono, M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. Dwi Atmono, M.Si., M.Pd.


Dr. Sidharta Adyatma, M.Sc.

Vice Chairman

Dr. Syaharuddin, S.Pd., MA.


Dr. Eva Alviawati, M.Sc.

Vice Secretary

Melisa Prawitasari, M.Pd.


Dr. Nevy Farista Aristin, M.Sc.

Vice Treasurer

Umar, S.Pd.

Head of Publication and Prosiding

Prof. Dr. Deasy Arisanty, M.Sc.

Head of Secretariat & Websites

Dr. Mariatul Kiptiah, M.Pd.

Head of Public Relations, Events and Documentations

Dr. Dian Agus Ruchliyadi, M.Pd.

For further information, please see the following Assignment Letter at this link [Here]